[ Devlog 1] Content of Isekai Paradise Chapter 2

The following content will be added in chapter 2:

  • 10,000++ words (Total with Chapter 1 will have 15,000++ words)
  • 5 H-Scenes (Total with Chapter 1 will have 7 H-Scenes)
  • 1 Exclusive H-Scene (Patron Only)
  • 6 new girls will appear in chapter 2

Some additional features/improvements:

  • Gallery feature (H-Scene Replay)
  • Voice in H-scene fixed to voice channel
  • Improved fonts that are easier to read
  • A party renaming option added
  • Sentence/word improvements that have been suggested by friends on Discord.

For the release of Chapter 2, I will estimate September 10-14 for Patrons who have access 2 weeks earlier than the public. And 2 weeks later for public release.


There are still some things that I might add to Chapter 2, but I haven't thought of them yet. So for now, that's all I can tell you.

Thank you.

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Very interesting so far


Thank you for the dev logs fam waiting patiently for that update :D

(1 edit)

The renaming option is hopefully nothing that was added backwards? I noticed I don't like the games to much where I had to replay huge parts to experience stuff otherwise.

Do you still need to put the update into the Itch.io app?

I remember a dev who forgot to do something and I didn't got an update, it is out yet right?

oh a devlog and probably a months wait okay I saw this late this time.


No need to backward the story to use the rename party feature.